Welcome To The Carperby cum Thoresby Parish Council Homepage.

The Parish Council website seeks to improve communications with the parishioners of Carperby-cum-Thoresby.  We hope that the information that we publish here and in the quarterly newsletters will keep residents informed of parish issues and events.  Please click on the items in the Contents list below. If you wish to search  other places on the web please use the Google Search Bar below.




The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at the Village Institute on Monday 20th May 2024 at 7.30pm. THIS WILL BE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL. PLEASE CHECK PARISH NEWS PAGE FOR DETAILS.

PARISH NEWS PAGE; Update 16th June VILLAGE EVENTS PAGE;  Update 2nd June

PFA PAGE; Update 2nd June Parish Papers: Parish Accounts; Important Healthwatch Info.



Carperby CrossCarperby early 20th Century

Village sports


Parish News   Contacting The Council   Parish Council Papers

 Village Events   Playing Fields Association   Village Institute

 Penhill Ladies Pavilion Bookings  Useful Links